Women of the Old Testament
Gladys Hunt - IVP Bible Studies
They were ordinary people. Most would not make headlines in any other history book but God's. Yet the women of the Old Testament made critical choices that led to extraordinary outcomes. Through faith and strong character, they rescued their families, led people out of bondage, gave birth to kings and even saved a nation.As you explore with Gladys Hunt the stories of twelve Old Testament women, you will come to understand the far-reaching consequences of your own everyday choices and actions.Now available in IVP's revised LifeGuide® Bible Study format, Women of the Old Testament features twelve sessions with questions for starting group discussions and for personal reflection, as well as a new "Now or Later" section following each session.For over three decades LifeGuide Bible Studies have provided solid biblical content and raised thought-provoking questions—making for a one-of-a-kind Bible study experience for individuals and groups. This series has more than 130 titles on Old and New Testament books, character studies, and topical studies.PDF download with a single-user license; available from InterVarsity Press and other resellers.
63 páginas
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