N. T. Wright, Kristie Berglund - IVP Bible Studies
An Accessible, Trustworthy Bible Study Guide for Any Group When you read detective stories, you quickly learn that what may look like an irrelevant little detail may actually be the clue to solving the mystery. A good writer will put in all kinds of detail; nothing is there by accident. Nothing in John's Gospel is there by accident either. And all the details in John are designed ultimately to come together. In these studies we discover the clues John gives that we might see even more clearly the reality of who Jesus is, the new creation he inaugurates and the difference that all makes. In this Bible study guide, readers will find: - Practical, accessible studies spanning John's gospel that readers of any level of familiarity with the Bible can find value in, - Trustworthy perspectives that nonetheless challenge seasoned Christians and new believers alike to reconsider old perspectives, and - Discussion questions to jumpstart group conversations and community study.
144 páginas
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A Credible Witness
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Why Business Matters to God
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The Earliest Christologies
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São Bento e sua mensagem
Anselm Grün

Exodus Old and New
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Reinventar a vida
Frei Betto

Fazendo teologia com os reformadores
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Exploring the Old Testament
J. Gordon McConville,Philip E. Satterthwaite

Senhor, não tenho ninguém - Vol IV
Rafael Solano

The Gospel of John
Leonard Sweet,Rick McKinley,Paul L. Metzger

Grace for the Children
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Quem é meu mestre?
Jean-Yves Leloup

Coisas velhas e novas
Frei Hermógenes Harada

Jonathan Edwards and Deification
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Reformado quer dizer missional
Samuel T. Logan Jr.,Timothy Keller,Elias Medeiros,A. T. B. McGowan,Frank A. James,e outros

Basic Christianity
John Stott,Christopher J.H. Wright,Rick Warren

Terra de Deus
Hope Gordon Silva,O. Palmer Robertson