Covenant and Commandment
D. A. Carson, Bradley G. Green - IVP Academic
From a close study of key Old and New Testament texts and interaction with historical and contemporary theologians, Bradley Green shows how different aspects of the Christian life are each God-elicited, real and necessary. Reaffirming the best Reformed voices, this New Studies in Biblical Theology volume provides a biblical theology of the nature, role and place of works, obedience and faithfulness in the new covenant.Addressing key issues in biblical theology, the works comprising New Studies in Biblical Theology are creative attempts to help Christians better understand their Bibles. The NSBT series is edited by D. A. Carson, aiming to simultaneously instruct and to edify, to interact with current scholarship and to point the way ahead.
208 páginas
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Jesus Cristo. Imagem do Deus invisível
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Ithamar Theodor

Cerco de Jericó
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1-2 Thessalonians, 1-2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon
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Te prometo ser fiel na saúde e na doença
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When Children Come Out
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Nós, os católicos romanos
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Esperança, cadê você?
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Finding Messiah
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Evaldo Alves D'Assumpção

The Epic of Eden
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Estudo sobre a Reprodução Humana
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Liturgia das horas e contemplação
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Colônia Capella
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The Church as Movement
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Rediscovering Scripture's Vision for Women
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Evidence-Based Practices for Christian Counseling and Psychotherapy
Eric L. Johnson,Everett L. Worthington Jr.,Jamie D. Aten,Joshua N. Hook

Fé em face da apostasia
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Everywhere You Look
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