David Heiliger, David A. Anderson, Erwin Raphael McManus - IVP
We can't ignore color, class, or culture. Instead, we must engage matters of race with a different posture and embrace radical inclusion of the marginalized. Now with David Heiliger, David A. Anderson revives the biblical model for showing special grace to others on the basis of ethnicity, class, or social distinction—one of gracism. Responding to ongoing problems of prejudice and injustice, the original seven sayings of the gracist now become eight with a new chapter alongside a revised conclusion. Take this opportunity to extend God's grace to people of all backgrounds in this edition of Gracism.
192 páginas
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As 5 linguagens do amor na prática
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Minha família está protegida pelo sangue de Jesus
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Called to Be Saints
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Avivamento transformador
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The Risen Christ
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The Message of Genesis 12–50
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O Pão Vivo
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A igreja e as pessoas LGBTQIAPN+
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Ofício da Imaculada Conceição
Comunidade Canção Nova

Who Gets to Narrate the World?
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God's Mediators
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In Search of Ancient Roots
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Tenha um ótimo dia!
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Antropologia da religião, magia e feitiçaria
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Sofrimento psíquico dos presbíteros
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Por que Deus faz além do que pedimos ou pensamos
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Divine Merger
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