The Community of the King
Howard A. Snyder - IVP Academic
A classic revisited--revised and expanded.For over twenty-five years, Howard Snyder's Community of the King has set the standard for a penetrating look at the relationship between the kingdom of God and the earthly church. Biblically and practically Snyder helps us think through such crucial questions as - What is the kingdom of God? - What role does it play in history? - What does it mean for the church to be an agent of the kingdom?Once we grasp the nature of the kingdom, Snyder helps us explore its implications for the church as we experience it in daily life. The church, he argues, is part of God's dramatic plan to reconcile all things to himself. The church that is true to its calling will emphasize the God-given gifts of all its members and develop structures and strategies that reflect God's reign in the world. In addition to a completely new chapter on developments in Christian thinking on the church since its first publication, this new edition of Community of the King contains a fully updated bibliography and is revised throughout.Here is a classic book for all concerned with church life and growth.
240 páginas
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