The Nature of the Atonement
Thomas R. Schreiner, Gregory A. Boyd, Joel B. Green, James K. Beilby, Paul R. Eddy, Bruce Reichenbach - IVP Academic
A long history of biblical exegesis and theological reflection has shaped our understanding of the atonement today. The more prominent highlights of this history have acquired familiar names for the household of faith: Christus Victor, penal substitutionary, subjective, and governmental. Recently the penal substitutionary view, and particularly its misappropriations, has been critiqued, and a lively debate has taken hold within evangelicalism. This Spectrum Multiview volume offers a "panel" discussion of four views of atonement maintained by four evangelical scholars. The proponents and their views are: - Gregory A. Boyd: Christus Victor view - Joel B. Green: Kaleidescopic view - Bruce R. Reichenbach: Healing view - Thomas R. Schreiner: Penal Substitutionary viewFollowing an introduction written by the editors, each participant first puts forth the case for their view. Each view is followed by responses from the other three participants, noting points of agreement as well as disagreement. This is a book that will help Christians understand the issues, grasp the differences and proceed toward a clearer articulation of their understanding of the atonement. Spectrum Multiview Books offer a range of viewpoints on contested topics within Christianity, giving contributors the opportunity to present their position and also respond to others in this dynamic publishing format.
208 páginas
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