Serving God in a Migrant Crisis
Patrick Johnstone, Dean Merrill, Stephan Bauman - IVP
"God has used migration for millennia to achieve his purposes for his people," writes Patrick Johnstone. "He is doing so again in our time."Millions are on the move, driven by war, drought, terrorism, poverty, failed states, environmental catastrophes, disease, revolutions, and the desire for a better life. Christians have a unique perspective on the migrant crisis: after all, Jesus was a refugee. So were Abraham, Joseph, and Moses.Today, some turn their backs on refugees. In Serving God in a Migrant Crisis, Patrick Johnstone and Dean Merrill help us understand what's causing today's refugee crisis, explore Christian theology and tradition on migration, and show us how Christian workers around the globe are opening their hearts to embrace these modern outcasts. "The world has literally come to our doorstep," they write. "Will we open the door?"
144 páginas
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