Ask a Missionary
John McVay - IVP
If you are exploring doing something extraordinary for the glory of God among the nations, Ask a Missionary will give clarity and answers for a journey into missions.Because they have "been there," over one hundred missionaries from around the world, including Elisabeth Elliot, George Verwer, Phyllis Kilbourn, and Bill Stearns, share their insightful wisdom and practical advice on everything from making the decision to go, to stepping into a new life once on the field, and everything in between.The treasures amassed in this book will guide you toward serving in the most wonderful, challenging, God glorifying, eternity-impacting endeavor in the world: missions.
210 páginas
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Os títulos que podem te interessar, de acordo com suas escolhas recentes.

Milagre aos nossos olhos
Monsenhor Jonas Abib

Taking It to the Streets
Harry Louis Williams II

Possessed by God
D. A. Carson,David G. Peterson

Joyce G. Baldwin

Privilégio sagrado
Susana Klassen,Kay Warren

Como Deus transforma a tristeza em alegria (nova capa)
Luciano Subirá

Terceirização da fé
Tomás Camba

Coragem para ser protestante
David Wells,Wadislau Gomes

Cansei de ser gay
Juliana Ferron

Entrepreneurial Leadership
R. Paul Stevens,Richard J. Goossen

Orações na dor e no sofrimento
Fábio Evaristo

Christianity at the Crossroads
Michael J. Kruger

Restoring Beauty
Louis Markos

A luta cristã
Misael Batista do Nascimento

Slow Kingdom Coming
Kent Annan

Como participar da Missa com crianças?
Rodrigo Luiz,Adelita Stoebel

10 respostas que vão mudar sua vida
Padre Reginaldo Manzotti

As novas comunidades no contexto sociocultural contemporâneo
Padre Wagner Ferreira

Reading Galatians with John Stott
John Stott