Advent of the Savior
Cindy Bunch - IVP Bible Studies
On a seemingly ordinary day, in a manger in the middle of bustling, overcrowded Bethlehem, the promised Messiah slipped into the world as a tiny baby. Thousands had longed for his coming, few witnessed his entrance, but millions have been changed by his life. This six-session LifeGuide® Bible Study will introduce you to the circumstances surrounding the birth of Jesus, remind you of God's faithfulness and power to fulfill his promises, and draw you more deeply into the love that brought Christ to earth.For over three decades LifeGuide Bible Studies have provided solid biblical content and raised thought-provoking questions—making for a one-of-a-kind Bible study experience for individuals and groups. This series has more than 130 titles on Old and New Testament books, character studies, and topical studies.
56 páginas
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Speaking by the Numbers
Suzanne Stabile,Sean Palmer

Tell Her Story
Nijay K. Gupta,Beth Allison Barr

The Hope of Life After Death
M. Jeff Brannon,Benjamin L. Gladd

Santo Agostinho,Beatriz S. S. Cunha

Cristianismo Pós-Pandemia
Neriel Lopez

Michael Frost

Elucidações de umbanda - a umbanda sob um olhar universalista
Norberto Peixoto

Surprised by Paradox
Jen Pollock Michel,Russ Ramsey

Forty Days on Being a Nine
Marlena Graves,Suzanne Stabile

Aprendendo a viver como Jesus
Christopher J. H. Wright

Educação na justiça
Markus Hediger,Daniel M. Doriani

Two Steps Forward
Sharon Garlough Brown

Humility Illuminated
Marlena Graves,Dennis R. Edwards

Vivi com um santo
Stanislao Dziwisz

Embracing Evolution
J. Richard Middleton,Matthew Nelson Hill

100 Lugares para conhecer depois de morrer
Denise de Carvalho Rocha,Ken Jennings

Wait with Me
Jason Gaboury

Bom dia!
Bianca Toledo

William Douglas,Davi Lago