Preach the Word
Philip Graham Ryken, John MacArthur, J. I. Packer, Todd Wilson, D. A. Carson, Leland Ryken, Wayne Grudem, Paul R. House, Duane Litfin, David Jackman, David R. Helm, Wallace P. Benn, Jon M. Dennis, Bruce Winter, Peter Jensen, Phillip D. Jensen, Randall Gruendyke - Crossway
For more than forty years, pastor R. Kent Hughes has shared the gospel with thousands of people and raised the standard of expository preaching in North America and beyond. To celebrate his legacy and pay tribute to his years of ministry, fifteen of Hughes's friends and colleagues from across the globe, including J. I. Packer, Wayne Grudem, John MacArthur, Peter Jensen, and D. A. Carson, examine what it means to be an expository preacher. Among the contributors are professors, a university chaplain, a college president, and urban church planters—living testimonies to Hughes's wide influence. These contributors address an array of themes for the ministry-minded, such as interpretive principles and practices, biblical and historical paradigms, expository preaching's contemporary aims and challenges, and the priority of training-all in the expectation that this one man's passion to preach the Word faithfully will enhance the understanding and practice of expository preaching in churches and seminaries around the world. This book will also inspire and prepare you to make the pulpit the prow of your ministry and influence the generations to come.
304 páginas
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Uma estrada de salvação
Santo Afonso de Ligório

Dois corações e um destino
Vanir Mattos Torres,Daniel

Isaiah 40-66
Thomas C. Oden,Mark W. Elliott

Rumo a Canaã
Oren R. Martin

Quando nossa fé é provada
Marcelo Aguiar

Jesus Behaving Badly
Mark L. Strauss

Room of Marvels
Dallas Willard,James Bryan Smith

Devocionais para meninas
Susana Klassen

Estudos bíblicos expositivos em Gálatas
Philip Graham Ryken,Letícia Scotuzzi

Beautiful Feet
Jessica Leep Fick

Caminho de iniciação à vida cristã 2a. etapa catequista
Diocese de Caxias do Sul

A Just Passion
Cindy Bunch,Tish Harrison Warren,Ruth Haley Barton,Sheila Wise Rowe,Terry M. Wildman

Compassion (&) Conviction
Michael Wear,Chris Butler,Justin Giboney,Barbara Williams-Skinner

How Do We Reason?
Forrest E. Baird

Grace for the Children
Matthew S. Stanford

Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels
Nicholas Perrin,Joel B. Green,Prof. Jeannine K. Brown

Para que serve Deus
Philip Yancey

A firme esperança
Iain M. Duguid,Matthew P. Harmon

Estudos bíblicos expositivos em 1 e 2Pedro
R. C. Sproul