God of Justice
Nikki A. Toyama-Szeto, Abraham George - IVP Bible Studies
Readers' Choice Award Winner The level of injustice in the world is staggering. The church can respond. International Justice Mission (IJM) has rescued thousands of people from oppression and violence. IJM also partners with thousands of churches to help them live out the mandate of Isaiah 1:17: to seek justice, rescue the oppressed and care for orphans and widows. Christians need to be equipped and mobilized to be the hands and feet of Jesus to those who are vulnerable and oppressed. The God of Justice is a twelve-session, discussion-based curriculum from IJM that explores the biblical narrative of justice throughout the whole of Scripture, from Genesis to Revelation. Through the participatory study of Scripture, Christians will explore God's call to engage in bringing about justice on earth. While coming to a deeper knowledge and understanding of biblical justice, participants will draw personal application for the pursuit of justice ministry in their individual lives and the wider church. Prepare to have your heart and mind engaged, to be instructed by Scripture, and to be challenged by real-life stories of people freed by the God of justice. This curriculum will help you and your church bring freedom, restoration and reconciliation to those in need. Discover how God reveals himself to those who join him on his justice journey!
125 páginas
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