This Ordinary Adventure
Christine Jeske, Adam Jeske - IVP
They started out living the dream. They promised themselves and each other that every day would be an amazing day. They even stuck that phrase--"Amazing Days"--on their refrigerator, like Martin Luther pounding his conviction into a door and launching the next great era of the church. "Ready or not," they told the world, "here we come."They traveled the planet, doing missions and community development work in Latin America, China, Africa. Then they went back home--to the land of shopping malls and manicured lawns. And they wondered what had become of their amazing days.In This Ordinary Adventure Adam and Christine Jeske mine their experience, from riding motorcycles in Africa to dicing celery in Wisconsin, in search of a God who is always present and who is charging every moment with potential. Read along and you'll see your life--your ruts and routines, your frustrations and exhilarations--through different eyes, maybe for the first time. You'll discover the amazing things God is doing in the shadows of even the most ordinary day.
208 páginas
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Um conto de casamento
Gary Chapman,Chris Fabry

Worship by Faith Alone
Zac Hicks,Ashley Null

Foguete não tem ré
Karine Rizzardi

Orando com a Misericórdia
Ironi Spuldaro

Loucuras de Uma Paixão
Maria Estela Orlandeli

12 dias para atualizar sua vida
Tiago Brunet

Estudos bíblicos expositivos em 1 e 2Pedro
R. C. Sproul

Donald Baker

Diga sim com convicção
Miguel Uchôa

Felicidade sem plateia dura mais
Júnior Meireles

Escravidão nunca mais - Revista do aluno
Alan Rennê Alexandrino Lima

Courage for Caregivers
Marjorie J. Thompson

Comentários do Antigo Testamento - Levítico
Robert I. Vasholz

Canção Nova uma Obra de Deus
Monsenhor Jonas Abib

Pelas portas do coração
Zibia Gasparetto,Lucius

Francisco de Assis
Marcelo Bermejo

Teologia da missão
Paulo Suess

Falar de fé na catequese
Maria do Carmo Ezequiel Rollemberg

A família da aliança: professor
Mônia Gonçalves da Silva Rodrigues