Donald Baker - IVP Bible Studies
It's easy to be happy when things go well for you.But what would it be like to have a sense of joy that continued even in times of trouble? Such was the deep joy that the apostle Paul experienced--even in prison. His contentment was neither dependent on circumstances nor changed by difficulty. In nine-session LifeGuide® Bible Study on Philippians, Paul will show you too how to live joyfully in every situation.For over three decades LifeGuide Bible Studies have provided solid biblical content and raised thought-provoking questions—making for a one-of-a-kind Bible study experience for individuals and groups. This series has more than 130 titles on Old and New Testament books, character studies, and topical studies.
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The Global Public Square
Os Guinness

Emily Hunter McGowin

Formação espiritual
Valdir Steuernagel,Osmar Ludovico,Silêda Steuernagel,Ziel Machado,Isabelle Ludovico,Ricardo Barbosa

Now Choose Life
D. A. Carson,Gary Millar

Emagrecer com mais saúde
Dra. Gisela Savioli,Dr. Roque

Becoming a Christian
John Stott

Padres exaustos
Vagner Sanagiotto

O poder da esposa que ora (Nova Capa)
Stormie Omartian

The Inerrant Word
R. C. Sproul,John MacArthur,Nathan Busenitz,Kevin DeYoung,Carl R. Trueman,John M. Frame,Michael J. Kruger,Mark Dever,Stephen J. Nichols,Ligon Duncan,Sinclair B. Ferguson,R. Albert Mohler Jr.,Alistair Begg,Derek Thomas,Steven J. Lawson,Miguel Núñez,Abner Chou,Michael Vlach,Matt Waymeyer,Iain Murray,Greg Beale,Brad Klassen,William Barrick,Ian Hamilton

Love Is an Orientation
Brian McLaren,Andrew Marin

Coma este livro
Eugene H. Peterson,Neyd Siqueira

Vade retro, satanás!
Padre Gabriele Amorth

O milagre do Natal
Stormie Omartian,Maria Emília de Oliveira

A elevação da mente para Deus pelos degraus das coisas criadas
São Roberto Belarmino

Embracing the Body
Tara M. Owens

O homem eterno
G.K. Chesterton

Embodied Hope
Kelly M. Kapic

Our Good Crisis
Jonathan K. Dodson

Pastoral litúrgica
Pe. Fernando Lorenz