2 Timothy
John Stott, Lin Johnson - IVP Bible Studies
Study Scripture with John Stott "Our era is one of theological and moral confusion, even of apostasy. And the apostle summons us, as he summoned Timothy, to be strong, brave and steadfast." In this way John Stott summarizes the message of Paul's second letter to Timothy, a letter about leadership and responsibility. The inductive studies in this newly updated guide speak to all who would stand for Christ in a world of slippery, relative truth. Our call is to bring the only real, solid Word of grace and truth to a world without hope. John Stott was one of the world's leading and most-loved Bible teachers and preachers. In this Bible study guide you can explore Scripture under his guidance, enhancing your own in-depth study with insights gained from his years of immersion in God's Word.
64 páginas
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