The Shaping of an Effective Leader
Gayle D. Beebe, Steve Forbes - IVP
Leadership is both an art and a science.We may be tempted to look for a sure-fire formula, but the reality is quite different: effective leaders are exceptional generalists rather than narrow specialists. The best leaders take what the best business experts have to offer, and apply that based on their own abilities, experience and judgment. And these leaders seek real-life mentors and learn from them.Gayle Beebe, who has spent over a decade as a college president, had the opportunity to study with Peter Drucker, the father of modern management and the author of The Effective Executive. Drawing on Drucker's influence as well as his own years of experiences as a pastor, administrator and president, Beebe has developed a pyramid of leadership principles. The combination of these defines a leader of influence and integrity.In these pages you'll also meet some of Beebe's other mentors: Steve Sample of USC, Harold A. "Red" Poling of Ford Motor Company, Richard Foster of Renovaré, David McKenna of Asbury Seminary and Bob Emmons of SmartFinal.In a day of relentless self-direction, strong leaders have a critical role. With this book you can discover what it takes to be effective in your sphere of influence.
208 páginas
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