After College
Erica Young Reitz - IVP
"The first year out was one of the hardest years of my life." —CurtThe years after college can be some of the most uncertain, unstable times of life. Recent graduates grieve the loss of community, question their place in the world and struggle to find meaningful work. It can be shocking to discover that college did not fully prepare you for the challenges you now face."It's much rougher than I thought. I thought things would just play out, and they didn't. I don't have friends, I don't have a job and I hang out with my parents every night." —KateBut you are not alone. For more than a decade, Erica Young Reitz has specialized in helping college seniors and recent graduates navigate the transition to post-college life. Drawing on best practices and research on senior preparedness, she offers practical tools for a life of faithfulness and flourishing during a critical, transitional time. This practical guide addresses the top issues graduates face: making decisions, finding friends, managing money, discerning your calling and much more.Discover how you can thrive beyond your undergraduate years. If you feel lost in transition, here are resources to help you flourish as a Christ-follower in a complex world.
235 páginas
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Os títulos que podem te interessar, de acordo com suas escolhas recentes.

A Lei da Atração e o Poder do Pensamento
William Walker Atkinson

Alegria e Triunfo I
Lourenço Prado

Luciano Subirá

90 ideias de jogos e atividades para a sala de aula
Daisy Gomes,Ana Maria Ferlin

21 dias para transformar a sua vida
Michael Aboud

Just Courage
Gary A. Haugen

Homens: o livro que toda mulher precisa ler para não acreditar em propaganda enganosa
Wesley Avelar

Uma palavrinha sobre os palavrões
Samuel Vidilli,Caroline Marino,Michele Heloisa Loureiro Tieppo Leandro

Como a Filosofia pode explicar o Amor
Paulo Ghiraldelli Jr.

A ciência de ficar rico
Wallace D. Wattles,Petê Rissatti

Mulher, desperte o poder que há em você
Helda Elaine,Viviane Ferreira,Celia Rizzante,Roberta Pauli,Katiane Vieira,Janaina Paes,Carla Falcão,Fabiana Couto,Rita Mamed

Ponto de virada
Monja Coen

Educando Minha Alma
José Carlos Pereira Jotz

Liberdade: fato ou ilusão?
Clóvis de Barros Filho,Gustavo Dainezi

Giulliano Puga

Cuide de você e tenha mais qualidade de vida vol. 2
Rômulo B. Rodrigues

Dialeto dos obstinados: 1026 palavras
Janguiê Diniz

Curso de Cromoterapia
Rômulo B. Rodrigues

Becoming an Ordinary Mystic
Albert Haase, OFM