The Recovery-Minded Church
Kristina Robb-Dover, Jonathan Benz - IVP
You want to have vibrant and healthy relationships with those who struggle with addiction in your church and community. But you find yourself wondering how to meet their needs in a wise, helpful and God-honoring way.The Recovery-Minded Church addresses the pressing questions you are facing in ministering to those with addictions. Here you will discover a clinically informed, biblical and theological framework to love the addicts in your midst and also practical tools to help you succeed in doing so, including discussion questions after each chapter for use in small group settings.God desires to welcome his prodigal children with open arms and a spirit of celebration. We need to reflect this same kind of grace and mercy in our ministry to those with addictions, to move our churches from being recovery-resistant to recovery-minded.
192 páginas
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Giving Church Another Chance
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Pregando poderosamente a Palavra de Deus 2
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O que é teologia: professor
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Entrepreneurial Leadership
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Um Coração Para Amar
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Com Calvino no teatro de Deus
John Piper,Vagner Barbosa,David Mathis

Lindsay Wilson

Somente a graça
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George MacDonald in the Age of Miracles
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Curados para Amar
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Surpreendidos pelo poder do Espírito
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O poder da esposa que ora - Livro de orações
Stormie Omartian

Catequese de inspiração catecumenal e a identidade trinitária da iniciação cristã
João Fernandes Reinert

The Innkeeper
John Piper,Glenn Harrington

Ungido por Deus
Mark J. Boda,Cláudia Vassão Ruggiero

A Igreja que faz discípulos
Thiago Faria

Confronto Final
Thiago Trindade

Adventure of Ascent
Luci Shaw

O nome de Deus é misericórdia
Andrea Tornielli