A Deeper Look at the Sermon on the Mount
John Stott, Dale Larsen, Sandy Larsen - IVP Bible Studies
A deep look at Scripture—God's very words—is never wasted. In fact, not only is it never wasted; it's richly rewarded. The more deeply we dive into the riches of the Bible, the more deeply we can experience and serve God, the giver of all truth, wisdom, love and understanding.The new LifeGuide® in Depth Bible Studies help you do just that, taking you further into themes and books of Scripture than you might have gone before. As you see new connections between the Old and New Testament, gain an understanding of the historical and cultural background of passages, engage in creative exercises, and concretely apply what you've learned, you'll be amazed at the breadth of the knowledge and wisdom you gain and the transformation God can work in you as you meet him in his Word. Each session provides enough material for a week's worth of Scripture study along with a weekly group discussion guide that pulls all of the elements together.This guide is based on and includes the inductive Bible study Sermon on the Mount from the bestselling LifeGuide® Bible Study Series--only now it has been expanded for a new kind of study experience.Drawn from John Stott's Sermon on the Mount LifeGuide Bible Study and his The Message of the Sermon on the Mount commentary, A Deeper Look at the Sermon on the Mount will help you discover - how powerful meekness is - how you can influence the desolate places of society (hint: it has to do with character) - how to experience God's law as delightful - how to treat your enemiesand much more.If you're longing to go deeper in your understanding of God and his Word, LifeGuide® in Depth Bible Studies are for you. These new studies will meet your need for both rich, solidly researched content and personal application. They'll meet your need for Bible study that challenges your head and your heart. Most of all, we pray you'll meet God in them.
169 páginas
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