Beautiful Feet
Jessica Leep Fick - IVP
"How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!" —Romans 10:15Sometimes women feel like we're not cut out for evangelism. We may worry that our female bodies get in the way of our witness, or that we will seem awkward or pushy. We can feel insecure, like what we do won't make a difference in leading people to Jesus.Evangelist Jessica Leep Fick believes that God has created women to go to amazing and ordinary places to share his love. We have aptitudes and abilities that God can use in his mission, like gifts of collaboration, empathy and the ability to share vulnerably. Women throughout Scripture were heralds of the gospel, and we can be too.Get ready to join Jessica and women across the globe on this adventure of sharing Jesus with confidence and love. This upbeat, motivating guide will unleash what God has created in you to boldly and lovingly share Jesus. Discover how you too have beautiful feet.
223 páginas
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