The Prophets and the Apostolic Witness
Iain M. Duguid, Philip Graham Ryken, Gary E. Yates, Dana M. Harris, Andrew G. Shead, Andrew T. Abernethy, Mark S. Gignilliat, Lissa M. Wray Beal, Paul D. Wegner, Nicholas G. Piotrowski, Alicia R. Jackson, Daniel I. Block, John W. Hilber, William R. Osborne, John N. Oswalt - IVP Academic
How should Christians read prophetic literature? Questions abound both in the academy and the church as to how to engage the prophets, particularly in light of the New Testament. The Gospel writers and the church fathers all read and appealed to the Old Testament, but are we as modern-day readers supposed to take the same approach? The Prophets and the Apostolic Witness is a dialogue among scholars that identifies the interpretive methods used throughout history while also charting a constructive way forward for our own approach to reading the Major Prophets. This comprehensive volume brings together experts on Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel to illuminate the following topics: - How the Apostles Read the Major Prophets as Christian Scripture - Limits on Reading the Major Prophets as Christian Scripture - Reading the Major Prophets in the Footsteps of the Apostles - The History of Interpretation of the Major Prophets as Christian Scripture - Preaching the Major Prophets as Christian ScriptureThis collaborative endeavor offers fresh and helpful insights to scholars, students, and pastors alike as they engage with the text of the Major Prophets.
352 páginas
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