Tell the Truth
Will Metzger - IVP
"Picture a gigantic cruise ship filled with happy people."It's the S.S. Evangelical Gospel. In the midst of their fun and excitement, passengers have not noticed holes in the ship's side under the water line. Well-meaning leaders are attempting to plug these holes with new methods, technology, social activism and cultural savvy. All these are important, yet the structure of the ship remains compromised by years of neglect." In this thoroughly revised fourth edition of the now classic Tell the Truth, Will Metzger reinstate the truth framework necessary for the survival of evangelicalism. Biblical illiteracy among evangelicals is on the rise. Theological discernment between truth and error is increasingly elusive. We need to be recalibrated not to the changing times but to the changeless gospel.As useful as it is passionate, Tell the Truth will refocus and re-energize a whole new generation to communicate the whole gospel, wholly by grace, truthfully and lovingly.Includes a study guide and new training materials for personal witnessing!
301 páginas
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