Forty Days on Being a Three
Suzanne Stabile, Sean Palmer - IVP Formatio
What is it like to be an Enneagram Three? Pastor Sean Palmer reflects on this question in a spirit of honest self-assessment. He draws wisdom from the deep wells of both counseling and spirituality using illustrations from Scripture and life. Each of the forty daily readings concludes with an opportunity for further engagement such as a journaling prompt, a written prayer, or a spiritual practice. Any of us can find aspects of ourselves in any of the numbers. The Enneagram is a profound tool for empathy, so whether or not you are a Three, you will grow from your reading about Threes and enhance your relationships across the Enneagram spectrum.
128 páginas
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First Nations Version
Terry M. Wildman,First Nations Version Translation Council

Escape from Reason
Francis A. Schaeffer,J. P. Moreland

Struggling with Evangelicalism
Richard J. Mouw,Dan Stringer

Despertar com Deus
Susana Klassen,Jackie Hill Perry

Do Céu para Você
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The Finished Work of Christ (Paperback Edition)
Francis A. Schaeffer

Disabling Mission, Enabling Witness
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Breaking Old Rhythms
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Francis I. Andersen

Christian Spiritual Formation
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O presbítero
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Conte comigo
Wanda de Assumpção

O que Importa é o Amor
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Colaboradores da vossa alegria
George Augustin

Saving Calvinism
Oliver D. Crisp

Conquistando a liberdade interior
Padre Adriano Zandoná

Finding Calcutta
Mary Poplin

O pastor reformado e o pensamento moderno
Wadislau Gomes,CorneliusVan Til

Lidere a sua vida
Matheus Soares