The Pastoral Epistles
Osvaldo Padilla, Nicholas Perrin, Eckhard J. Schnabel - IVP Academic
In his New Testament letters to Timothy and Titus, the apostle Paul is concerned with church order, defending correct doctrine, and passing on the faith. In this introduction and commentary to both letters, Osvaldo Padilla sets them in their distinct context of Paul's later ministry and draws out their pastoral wisdom. With thoughtful exposition he shows how the lessons Paul imparts to Timothy and Titus are still relevant to us today and how we can learn from them in our own walk with Christ. This Tyndale New Testament Commentary volume examines the text section-by-section—exploring the historical background in which the letters to Timothy and Titus were written, providing a detailed commentary on their content, and then unpacking their theology. The Pastoral Epistles will leave you with a thorough knowledge of what the pastoral epistles say and how they are structured, as well as a better understanding of their meaning for both the original recipients and modern Christians. Clear and compelling, Padilla's introduction to Timothy and Titus will give anyone looking for comprehensive but accessible commentaries on the pastoral epistles a renewed appreciation for the wisdom in these two letters and what they can teach us. The Tyndale New Testament Commentaries are ideal for students and teachers of theology and an excellent resource for preachers and individual Christians looking to broaden their knowledge and explore the riches of Scripture more deeply.
320 páginas
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