The Message of Genesis 12–50
Joyce G. Baldwin - IVP Academic
Genesis sets the scene for the whole of the Bible, and indeed the entire human drama. It is a book both of beginnings and of a new beginning—the dawn of the gospel.In this Bible Speaks Today commentary, Joyce G. Baldwin shows how the vivid narratives of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph still speak to us today, highlighting God's ways of dealing with ordinary, imperfect people in fulfilling his great plan for the whole of humanity. Baldwin explores the meaning Genesis 12–50 offers Christians today—and how the often painful experiences it relates help us to better know the character of the God we worship.Part of the beloved Bible Speaks Today series, The Message of Genesis 12–50 offers an insightful, readable exposition of the biblical text and thought-provoking discussion of how its meaning relates to contemporary life. Used by students and teachers around the world, The Bible Speaks Today commentaries are ideal for those studying or preaching the Bible and anyone who wants to delve deeper into the text.This beautifully redesigned edition has also been sensitively updated with more current references and the NRSV Bible text.
184 páginas
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