The Message of Acts
John Stott - IVP Academic
The Spirit moves the church into the world. That is how it has always been since the day of Pentecost, when the Spirit brought thousands from many countries into the body of Christ. With the breadth and scholarly care that marked John Stott's years of ministry, this revised Bible Speaks Today volume opens to us the early days of the church as recorded by Luke in the book of Acts. The experiences of the early church have much to say about issues that concern Christians today. What can Acts tell us about tongues and other extraordinary manifestations of the Spirit? How should churches structure themselves—with elders, deacons, pastors or all three? What should a normal Christian conversion look like? And, of course, how should the church reach out into the world with the message of salvation? This revised edition of a classic Bible Speaks Today volume features lightly updated language, current NIV Scripture quotations and a new interior design. A study guide at the end of the book will help you more deeply ponder the message of Acts and how it speaks to your life.
440 páginas
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