The Message of Zechariah
Barry G. Webb - IVP Academic
Zechariah is imbued from beginning to end with the same heart cry that Jesus turned into a prayer for the world: "Your kingdom come." In this volume, Barry G. Webb explores the kingdom of God as the prophet Zechariah apprehended it. In oracles and visions Zechariah challenged his hearers to return to the coming kingdom, to cleanse themselves in anticipation of the cleansing fountain of God's grace, and to restore the city of Jerusalem in preparation for its coming glorification. The promises of God in the book of Zechariah are meant to fuel the faithfulness of God's people and prepare the way for the promised Messiah. Part of the beloved Bible Speaks Today series, The Message of Zechariah offers an insightful, readable exposition of the biblical text and thought-provoking discussion of how its meaning relates to contemporary life. Used by students and teachers around the world, the Bible Speaks Today commentaries are ideal for those studying or preaching the Bible and anyone who wants to delve deeper into the text. This revised edition of a classic volume features lightly updated language, current NIV Scripture quotations, and a new interior design.
200 páginas
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