You're Not As Crazy As I Think
Randal Rauser - IVP
Would you choose God over truth?If we Evangelicals are known for anything, we are mostly known for our opinions—opinions we are not afraid to express and express with much gusto and volume. But what if passion for truth is found not in the loudest voice and most unshakable convictions, but rather in the resolve to listen to and learn from others? What if that passion is found in a willingness to rethink our most cherished beliefs? What if it is found in a refusal to embrace simple black and white categories when the world offers a bewildering array of gray? What if it is found when we refuse to dismiss those who disagree with us as simply stupid or wicked? What if it is found when we seek to learn from others through open and honest dialogue? In You're Not As Crazy As I Think, Randal Rauser presents a very different picture of the passionate pursuit of truth from those who seek to stand on unassailable and unquestionable foundations. This pursuit begins as we rethink not only our truth paradigm but learn how to listen, to hear, and learn from groups so often marginalized by our biases. Could it be that those who we have dismissed or ignored, like liberal Christians, Darwinists, atheists, and animal-rights activists, are not that stupid or wicked after all? Could it be that they might even have something important to share about the truth?
210 páginas
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