Modern Psychopathologies
Mark A. Yarhouse, Barrett W. McRay, Richard E. Butman - IVP Academic
Modern Psychopathologies is addressed to students and mental health professionals who want to sort through contemporary secular understandings of psychopathology in relation to a Christian worldview.Written by well-known and respected scholars, this book provides an introduction to a set of disorders along with overviews of current research on etiology, treatment and prevention. Prior chapters explore the classification of disorders in historic pastoral care and contemporary mental health care. The authors explain the biological and sociocultural foundations of mental illness, and reflect on the relation between psychopathology and the Christian understanding of sin. Modern Psychopathologies is a unique and valuable resource for Christians studying psychology and counseling or providing counseling services, pastoral care, Christian healing ministries or spiritual direction.The revised second edition is fully updated according to DSM-5 and ICD-10. The authors have expanded the analysis to include problems associated with trauma, gender, addiction and more.Though fully capable of standing on its own, the book is a useful companion volume to Modern Psychotherapies by Stanton L. Jones and Richard E. Butman. Christian Association for Psychological Studies (CAPS) Books explore how Christianity relates to mental health and behavioral sciences including psychology, counseling, social work, and marriage and family therapy in order to equip Christian clinicians to support the well-being of their clients.
486 páginas
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