The Gospel of John
Leonard Sweet, Rick McKinley, Paul L. Metzger - IVP
The Resonate series recovers the ancient wisdom of Scripture and helps us understand how it resonates with our complex world. The stories and insights of each book of the Bible are brought into conversation with contemporary voices of hope and lament--the cultural messages we interact with on a daily basis. The Scriptures become a meeting ground where God speaks to the pressing concerns of our day, and we are confronted in turn with a fresh experience of God's truth.In this journey through the Gospel of John, Paul Louis Metzger wrestles with the question of what happens when God, who is love, comes to town and takes up residence among us. For some this new neighbor love is welcome; for others, unusual; for still others, suspect--even dangerous.We learn from John's Gospel what it means to be called friends and lovers of God, what it means to put love to death and what it means for love to rise again in our midst and in our lives.
304 páginas
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Casamento temporário
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Amor sem fronteiras
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Nas águas da salvação
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The IVP Bible Background Commentary: New Testament
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Tempered Resilience
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Planting a Church Without Losing Your Soul
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O que você precisa saber sobre batalha espiritual
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Na estufa com Deus
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Tenha um ótimo dia
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