The IVP Bible Background Commentary: New Testament
Craig S. Keener - IVP Academic
Christianity Today's Books of the Year and Preaching's Preacher's Guide to the Best Bible Reference A Revised Edition of the Bestselling Reference Work from IVP This revised edition of the standard reference work in its field has been expanded throughout to now provide even more up-to-date information by Craig Keener, one of the leading New Testament scholars on Jewish, Greek and Roman culture. To understand and apply the Bible well, you need two crucial sources of information. One is the Bible itself. The other is an understanding of the cultural background of the passage you're reading. Only with the background can you grasp the author's original concerns and purposes. This unique commentary provides, in verse-by-verse format, the crucial cultural background you need for responsible—and richer—Bible study. It includes: - a glossary of cultural terms and important historical figures, - maps and charts - up-to-date bibliographies, and - introductory essays about cultural background information for each book of the New Testament.Based on decades of in-depth study, this accessible and bestselling commentary is valuable for pastors in sermon preparation, for Sunday-school and other church teachers as they build lessons, for missionaries concerned not to import their own cultural biases into the Bible, for college and seminary students in classroom assignments, and for everyday Bible readers seeking to deepen and enhance their study of Scripture.
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