Sustainable Children's Ministry
Mark DeVries, Annette Safstrom - IVP
Are you a children's ministry leader on the edge of burnout? Do you find yourself working harder and harder to tame the chaos?Mark DeVries and Annette Safstrom know how you feel. Flash and fizz can be effective at attracting young families, but without sustainable systems beneath the unforgettable moments, the impact is almost always short-lived. In this practical resource, you'll learn how to recruit volunteers, partner with parents, navigate politics, and care for your own soul instead of frantically scrambling to do it all yourself. Sustainable Children's Ministry will help you build a ministry foundation that will still be standing long after you are gone.
256 páginas
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Os títulos que podem te interessar, de acordo com suas escolhas recentes.

Moral social
Frei André Luiz Boccato de Almeida

Can You Just Sit with Me?
Natasha Smith

Suffering and the Search for Meaning
Richard Rice

Knowing Jesus Through the Old Testament
Christopher J.H. Wright

Discerning Ethics
Mark Labberton,Hak Joon Lee,Tim Dearborn

The Nature of the Atonement
Thomas R. Schreiner,Gregory A. Boyd,Joel B. Green,James K. Beilby,Paul R. Eddy,Bruce Reichenbach

O verdadeiro Jesus
Titus Kennedy

John 11-21
Thomas C. Oden,Joel C. Elowsky

O poder de orar
Stormie Omartian

A Doutrina Secreta - Resumida e Comentada
Helena Blavatsky,Michael Gomes

Modern Technology and the Human Future
Craig M. Gay

Caleb T. Friedeman,Christopher T. Bounds,Matt Ayars

The Message of Numbers
Raymond Brown

Posting Peace
Douglas S. Bursch

Uma visão bíblia do trabalho
Daniel M. Doriani,Valéria Lamim

Toque as feridas
Tomás Halík

Caminho de iniciação à vida cristã 4a. etapa catequizando
Diocese de Caxias do Sul

Jeremiah, Lamentations
Thomas C. Oden,Dean O. Wenthe

O que a Bíblia fala sobre dinheiro
Augustus Nicodemus