Discerning Ethics
Mark Labberton, Hak Joon Lee, Tim Dearborn - IVP Academic
Racism. Immigration. Gun violence. Sexuality. Health care. The number of ethical issues that demand a response from Christians today is almost dizzying. How can Christians navigate such matters? What are faithful responses to these questions? Edited by two theologians with pastoral experience, this volume invites engagement with these issues and more by drawing on real-life experiences and offering a range of responses to some of the most challenging moral questions confronting the church today. With an unflinching yet irenic approach, this resource can help Christians as they seek to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with God.
344 páginas
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Christian Leadership
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Business Ethics in Biblical Perspective
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7 Passos Para Restaurar Sua Família
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The First Thanksgiving
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O milionário Moisés
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Community Is Messy
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Opening the Red Door
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Letters and Homilies for Hellenized Christians
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God's Unfaithful Wife
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A busca da justa medida
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Gotas de fé e esperança
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Humberto Robson,Sergio Esteban de Carvalho González

Maria Madalena
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História de uma alma
Santa Teresinha do Menino Jesus

Talking Back to Purity Culture
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Espiritualidade e Saúde
Mary Rute Gomes Esperandio,Silvia Caldeira

Medo e fuga
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Invitation to Solitude and Silence
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Evolution and Holiness
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