Starting Missional Churches
Nicholas Warnes, Mark Branson - IVP
All mission is local?the people of God joining the work of God in a particular place. In Starting Missional Churches Mark Lau Branson and Nicholas Warnes introduce us to seven missional churches while examining common challenges regarding their genesis. Using stories, interviews with pastors and a look at common preconceived notions of church planting in the West, this guide brings together resources of the missional church conversation with the creativity and energy of those who are experimenting with diverse planting activities and practices across the country.Curated by a pastor and a professor, this work highlights diverse modern examples of congregations focused on reaching their communities with a missional mindset. Learn from these stories how to build a vibrant, engaging church—one that generates redemptive witness in our neighborhoods and in our world.
192 páginas
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Os títulos que podem te interessar, de acordo com suas escolhas recentes.

A vida da mente
James V. Schall

Devocionário a São José
Diác. Fernando José Bondan

Jesus, um mestre ao alcance de todos
Pe. Rufus Pereira

Rezar com São Bento
Bruno Carneiro Lira

New Testament Theology
I. Howard Marshall

Questioning Your Doubts
Christina M. H. Powell

O poder da garota que ora
Stormie Omartian,Cecília Eller

Lendo os evangelhos com sabedoria
Jonathan T. Pennington

A voz do povo e a voz de Deus
Ágatha Cristian Heap

Sois Deuses
José Huaixan,Vanda Simões

Terapia com Deus
Susana Naspolini

Permission to Be Black
A. D. "Lumkile" Thomason

Os sete pecados capitais à luz da psicanálise
William Cesar Castilho Pereira

Bringing Sex into Focus
Caroline J. Simon

Reinaldo José Lopes,Paul Johnson

Excellence in Preaching
Simon Vibert

Knowing Scripture
R. C. Sproul,J. I. Packer

Spirituality for the Sent
Keith S. Whitfield,Nathan A. Finn

The Path of Celtic Prayer
Calvin Miller