The Message of 2 Corinthians
Paul Barnett - IVP Academic
The letter of 2 Corinthians reveals a powerful debate between the apostle Paul and a shadowy group of opponents, along with the local church members who supported them. Paul records a range of emotional extremes as he defends his doctrine, ministry, and character to this beloved yet troublesome congregation. In his response to the conflict, Paul develops a momentous theological message: God's power is at work in human beings, not in their power but in their weakness. In this revised Bible Speaks Today volume, Paul Barnett provides an accessible exposition that helps readers engage the message of 2 Corinthians. Working passage by passage through this often challenging epistle, Barnett provides helpful background, draws out key themes, and offers applications for Christians today. We find rich insights about the work of Christ, the nature of Christian ministry, facing struggles and weakness, generosity, and the life of the church. This revised edition of a classic volume features a new interior design, current NIV Scripture quotations, and light updates throughout.
208 páginas
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