Knowing Scripture
R. C. Sproul, J. I. Packer - IVP
An Expanded Edition of the Commonsense Approach to Studying Scripture The Bible is the written Word of God, and it is treasured by many. But it is also an ancient book about people and cultures very different than us. Thus, while we know we should read it, many of us have a hard time understanding the Bible.In this expanded edition of Knowing Scripture, R. C. Sproul helps us dig out the meaning of Scripture for ourselves. The author says, "The theme of this book is not how to read the Bible but how to study the Bible." He presents in simple, basic terms a commonsense approach to studying Scripture and gives eleven practical guidelines for biblical interpretation and applying what we learn. With a minimum of technical jargon, Sproul tackles some of the knotty questions regarding differences of interpreting the Bible, including - discovering the meanings of biblical words - understanding Hebrew poetry, proverbs and parables - approaching historical and didactic passages - being careful with predictive prophecy - discerning how culture conditions the Bible - choosing and using Bible translations, commentaries, Bible software and other helpsNow with a new preface, Knowing Scripture is a basic book for both beginning Bible readers and experienced students of Scripture.
153 páginas
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