Parents of Missionaries
Cheryl Savageau, Diane Stortz - IVP
As a parent of a missionary you may feel that missing your child and your grandchildren signals a lack of faith. But proclaiming the gospel and making disciples was not meant to eclipse the loving family bonds God ordained. Whether you're the parent of a missionary recruit or a parent of an experienced missionary, you'll benefit from the authors' research and personal experience as they present a comprehensive plan for understanding missionary life, navigating the holidays, grandparenting long-distance and saying good-bye well.Combining a counselor's professional insight and a parent's personal journey, plus ideas and stories from dozens of missionaries and POMs, Parents of Missionaries is a valuable tool for missions mobilizers and educators as well as parents. The POM experience amounts to a journey through change, pain and adjustment. Wherever you are on that journey, this resource will encourage you and help you thrive and stay connected with your children and grandchildren serving cross-culturally.Not only can you survive as a parent of a missionary—you can thrive.
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