Starting Something New
Beth A. Booram - IVP Formatio
Do you have a dream? Do you have a creative idea stirring within you to do something different or start something new? If so, you're not alone. Many people have God-given dreams but don?t know how to discern what they are and develop them into something real. Most of these dreamers aren't business people or experienced entrepreneurs. They're just sincere Christ-followers who need a spiritual and practical guide to help them realize their dream—whether it be to start a new ministry, non-profit or business, or even the vision to begin a new lifestyle.Drawing from her personal experience and the stories of fifteen others, spiritual director Beth Booram has written this companion guide for those who wonder if they have a God-given idea but don?t know what to do with it. Interviews from people like Chris Smith, Phileena Heuertz and Randy Reese who have courageously embraced a God-prompted idea are included with each chapter to add further vision and insight. Carefully designed exercises at the end of each chapter will guide and provide practical support for those who are on the spiritual journey of identifying and acting on a God-given dream. By the end, you will know that one of the privileged tasks of life is to discern, shape, birth and sustain something new.
185 páginas
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