Witness Essentials
Daniel Meyer - IVP Bible Studies
We know the radical difference the gospel of Jesus Christ makes, and we want others to see and enjoy its benefits. In fact, we don't want them to just pray a prayer and move on to the next interesting thing. We want them to sink their roots deeply into the grace of God. So often, though, we feel that we are inadequate to this important task--that we don't know enough or that we will offend our friends. Daniel Meyer has provided the tools you need to move forward: - the basics of the gospel message - the role of life change in our witness - how to present the good newsThe Bible studies, exercises and readings in this book will deepen your personal faith and equip you to minister to others with a new sense of confidence and calling.
230 páginas
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Os títulos que podem te interessar, de acordo com suas escolhas recentes.

A mão invisível
Marcos Vasconcelos,R. C. Sproul

A fé que move montanhas
Cecília Eller,Linda Evans Shepherd

Inside Job
Stephen W. Smith

The Mission of Preaching
Patrick W. T. Johnson,David J. Lose

Sobre Viver: 365 fragmentos de sabedoria dos Provérbios
Ed René Kivitz

Broken and Whole
Stephen A. Macchia

A Spirituality of Listening
Keith R. Anderson,Dan B. Allender

The IVP Bible Background Commentary: New Testament
Craig S. Keener

A Week in the Life of a Slave
John Byron

The Face of Forgiveness
Philip D. Jamieson

Judges and Ruth
Mary J. Evans

Jean-Yves Leloup,Roberto Crema,Pierre Weil

How Do We Know?
Mark W. Foreman,James K. Dew Jr.

O fio do destino
Zibia Gasparetto

Teaching the Faith, Forming the Faithful
J. I. Packer,S. Steve Kang,Gary A. Parrett

Paul Behaving Badly
Brandon J. O'Brien,E. Randolph Richards

No Stones
Mark Laaser,Marnie C. Ferree

Caminho de iniciação à vida cristã 3a. etapa catequizando
Diocese de Caxias do Sul

Remember Me
Sharon Garlough Brown