Iain M. Duguid, R. Kent Hughes - Crossway
The book of Numbers tells the story of the events occurring in the years between the nation of Israel's exodus from Egypt and their entrance into the Promised Land. The lives of two generations are recorded: the first lacking in faith and receiving their just punishment from God and the second believing the Word of God and so entering into their inheritance as his children. Like those generations of Israelites, Christians today are in the midst of a journey between events of deepest significance-the death of Christ that was the exodus from bondage to sin and death and Jesus' second coming to usher his children into the true and final promised land as a glorious destination to the journey. Author Iain Duguid seeks to aid both pastors and laypeople on this journey by explaining the profundities of the biblical text, especially its less transparent portions, and communicating the lasting message of God's devotion to those who follow him in faith. Part of the Preaching the Word series. Part of the Preaching the Word series.
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