How to Give Away Your Faith
Leighton Ford, James F. Nyquist, Paul E. Little - IVP
"So you want to witness! I did too, but I didn't have a clue about how to do it without stubbing my toe in the process." So begins the book that has helped more than a million people give their faith to others. Paul Little's humor and down-to-earth approach help show how friendly and natural evangelism can really be. "Impossible!" you may say. "I just don't know what I'd tell people. What if I can't answer their questions? What if they think I'm just strange?" Paul Little has faced these sames fears and found effective and bibilcal ways to overcome them. Thoroughly revised by Marie Little and featuring a study guide for individuals or groups, How to Give Away Your Faith is as current as it is classic. Now more than ever, here is the book to excite you about giving away your faith.
202 páginas
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