Real Peace
Andy Farmer - Crossway
From devastating wars to destructive relationships, everyone knows that our world lacks the true and lasting peace we all long for. Yet God has promised us that peace is possible. Andy Farmer, a seasoned pastor and biblical counselor, explores what it means to find true peace—peace with God, peace with each other, and peace with the world. In examining common threats to peace such as stress, anxiety, grief, depression, and conflict, Farmer helps us turn to the God who offers peace to all who seek him. Designed to be accessible for both Christians and non-Christians, Real Peace emphasizes the gospel's foundational role as the source of all true rest and reconciliation, calling readers to join God in the peacemaking project of the cross.
192 páginas
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Savoring Scripture
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A paixão de Deus por sua glória
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Great Commission Companies
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George MacDonald in the Age of Miracles
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