Modern Psychotherapies
Richard E. Butman, Stanton L. Jones - IVP Academic
The wide variety of psychotherapies that psychologists and students of psychology face can make for a confusing picture. The level of complexity is multiplied for Christians since they must ask how a particular psychotherapy fits (or doesn?t fit) with a Christian understanding of persons and their suffering. In this expanded and thoroughly update edition, Stanton Jones and Richard Butman continue to offer a careful analysis and penetrating critiques of the myriad of psychotherapies now current in the field of psychology including: - Classical Psychoanalysis - Contemporary Psychodynamic Psychotherapies - Behavior Therapy - Cognitive Therapy - Person-Centered Therapy - Experiential Therapies - Family Systems Theory and TherapyTwo valuable new chapters have been added: "Community Psychology and Preventative Intervention Strategies" and "Christian Psychotherapy and the Person of the Christian Psychotherapist." Opening and closing chapters discuss foundational concerns on the integration of psychology and theology and present the authors' call for a "responsible eclecticism." Modern Psychotherapies remains an indispensable resource. Christian Association for Psychological Studies (CAPS) Books explore how Christianity relates to mental health and behavioral sciences including psychology, counseling, social work, and marriage and family therapy in order to equip Christian clinicians to support the well-being of their clients.
496 páginas
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