How I Changed My Mind About Evolution
Deborah Haarsma, J. B. Stump, Kathryn Applegate - IVP Academic
Perhaps no topic appears as potentially threatening to evangelicals as evolution. The very idea seems to exclude God from the creation the book of Genesis celebrates. Yet many evangelicals have come to accept the conclusions of science while still holding to a vigorous belief in God and the Bible. How did they make this journey? How did they come to embrace both evolution and faith?Here are stories from a community of people who love Jesus and honor the authority of the Bible, but who also agree with what science says about the cosmos, our planet and the life that so abundantly fills it.Among the contributors areScientists such as - Francis Collins - Deborah Haarsma - Denis LamoureuxPastors such as - John Ortberg - Ken Fong - Laura TruaxBiblical scholars such as - N. T. Wright - Scot McKnight - Tremper Longman IIITheologians and philosophers such as - James K. A. Smith - Amos Yong - Oliver CrispBioLogos Books on Science and Christianity invite us to see the harmony between the sciences and biblical faith on issues including cosmology, biology, paleontology, evolution, human origins, the environment, and more.
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