Inside Job
Stephen W. Smith - IVP
Effective leaders work very hard to succeed, but often at the cost of their own souls. They are challenged to keep themselves emotionally and spiritually healthy in order to survive success—to keep their humanity intact. This is the work within the work. Stephen W. Smith helps leaders in the marketplace and in ministry set aside the life-draining values of power, fame, fortune and position and instead explore the life-giving qualities of building character. In this book you will learn to: - Recognize and determine the inner and outer markers of success - Explore eight compelling virtues that every leader must possess - Use the principle of rhythm rather than chase the myth of balance - Recognize the limits of your own leadership - Discover how to thrive, not just surviveThere is a better way to live than the craziness we experience in our driven world. Inside Job is your invitation to journey inside and do the work within your work.
207 páginas
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