Discover Joy in Work
Shundrawn A. Thomas - IVP
We are meant to experience joy in our work. But many of us struggle to find a sense of purpose or fulfillment in what we do. Is it possible for us to truly flourish in our work? Business executive Shundrawn Thomas reveals how work is intended to produce lasting value and should be meaningful and productive. A healthy attitude toward work and the workplace requires intentionality and effort. Thomas helps us to a greater understanding of our abilities and passions, which in turn will help us develop into the people we are meant to be. He addresses issues of work ethic, character formation, and work-life synergy to find better harmony between what we do and who we are. Through empirical research and real-life stories, Thomas reveals fundamental truths in easy-to-remember concepts for joy at work regardless of occupation, age, or career stage. You are designed to flourish in your workplace. Come on this journey to transcend your occupation and discover your true vocation.
224 páginas
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