Problems of Christian Leadership
John Stott, Ajith Fernando - IVP
Christian leaders face challenges. But God works with us and through us to accomplish his purposes. Available here for the first time in English is John Stott's practical wisdom for younger leaders. Speaking personally from his own experience, Stott addresses issues of discouragement, self-discipline, relationships and youth.Also includes reflections on John Stott's ministry from two of his former study assistants, Mark Labberton and Corey Widmer, plus excerpts of Stott's writing about ministry, leadership and service.
90 páginas
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Forty Days on Being a Six
Suzanne Stabile,Tara Beth Leach

Disabling Leadership
Andrew T. Draper,Andrea Mae,Jody Michele

Teologia fundamental
Donizete José Xavier

Matthew 14-28
Thomas C. Oden,Manlio Simonetti

Discover Your Gifts Workbook
Don Everts,Tony Cook

Sacred Rhythms
Ruth Haley Barton

Looking Up
Kay Warren,Courtney Ellis

Reconquistando o sentido da vida
Lúcio Tardivo

Keeping Place
Jen Pollock Michel,Scott Sauls

The Wisdom of Proverbs, Job and Ecclesiastes
Derek Kidner

Old Testament Wisdom Literature
Craig G. Bartholomew,Ryan P. O'Dowd

John Stott,Phyllis J. Le Peau

Everyday Justice
Christine Sine,Tom Sine,Julie Clawson

The Hermeneutical Spiral
Grant R. Osborne

Exercícios espirituais
Santo Inácio de Loyola

Como controlar e vencer a ansiedade
Padre Adriano Zandoná

O paradoxo cristão
Jean-Yves Leloup

Vencer na oração
Pe. Marcio Adriano Krefer

Missional God, Missional Church
Ross Hastings