Pursuing God's Will Together
Ruth Haley Barton - IVP Formatio
Logos Book of the Year Creating Leadership Teams Led by the Spirit Meetings can sap our energy, rupture community and thoroughly demoralize us. They can go on forever with no resolution. Or they can rush along without consensus just to "get through the agenda." What if there was another way? Church boards and other Christian leadership teams have long relied on models adapted from the business world. Ruth Haley Barton, president of the Transforming Center, helps teams transition to a much more suitable model—the spiritual community that discerns God's will together. With Pursuing God's Will Together, you'll find: - Personal and group practices that will lead you into a new way of experiencing community and listening to God together. - Appendicies with a Leader's Guide and notes on a biblical perspective on spiritual transformation - Additional videos and bonus material from Ruth Haley Barton on ivpress.com to extend your learning.
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