What Does It Mean to Be Welcoming?
Travis Collins - IVP
16th Annual Outreach Magazine Resource of the Year Is your church wrestling with LGBT questions from membership to marriage? Travis Collins has been there. A pastor who has walked congregations through the complex issues surrounding gay Christians, he knows firsthand the confusion and hurt that often follow. He has also seen churches have these conversations with grace and understanding. In this practical resource, readers will gain insight into relevant biblical passages and, while the author is working from a traditional perspective, he offers insights from interpreters on both sides of the debate. They will consider the implications of their convictions for ministry practice, relationships, church policy, and more. They will hear testimonies from gay friends and family members about their experiences in the church. Collins calls readers to both grace and truth, with humility. What Does It Mean to Be Welcoming? considers how we might welcome everyone into the church while calling for all to be transformed.
144 páginas
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