Science, Creation and the Bible
Richard F. Carlson, Tremper Longman, III - IVP Academic
Many Christians are torn between their belief in the Bible and the conclusions of science. This is especially the case concerning the creation narratives of Scripture and the rather different stories that science tells.Physicist Richard Carlson and biblical scholar Tremper Longman address the longstanding problem of how to relate scientific description of the beginnings of the universe with the biblical creation passages found in Genesis chapters 1 and 2. Experts in their respective fields, these two authors provide a way to resolve the seeming conflicting descriptions by showing the meaning of the biblical texts as well as the meaning of scientific description.In the process they will uncover - how theology and science differ, and what they both contribute - what the key biblical passages actually say - how the ancient Hebrews themselves understood the meaning of Genesis 1--2 - how the rest of Scripture helps us understand these passages - what we can gain from science and what its limits areProperly interpreting the biblical texts and clearly identifying the nature of scientific claims are key. With those in hand we can see how Christian revelation and scientific findings about the origin of the universe are not in opposition but rather work in partnership with each other.
144 páginas
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