Walking with God Day by Day
Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Robert Backhouse - Crossway
Be devoted to God with your heart and your mind. Do you look to devotional books for guidance as you seek to focus your heart on the Lord each day? If you do, you know that too often devotional material fails to engage the mind in addition to the heart. Touching stories replace the very source of lasting encouragement and strength we need each day-the truth of the Word of God. But this is never true of Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones's writing. Walking with God Day by Day offers brief daily devotionals that engage the mind and the heart. You will not just find spiritual nourishment in its pages; you will learn about God and the great themes of the Bible. Robert Backhouse has compiled excerpts from choice passages in the writings of Dr. Lloyd-Jones according to monthly themes. By reading this devotional, you will grow in your understanding of God and learn to apply the truth of His Word day by day.
400 páginas
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Os títulos que podem te interessar, de acordo com suas escolhas recentes.

A arte de influenciar pessoas
John C. Maxwell

Quando o anjo mora ao lado
Izabel Gomes

Para que serve Deus
Philip Yancey

The Cross in Context
Joshua M. McNall,Brad Vaughn

Mãe de todos, Maria
Padre Reginaldo Manzotti

A liturgia da Igreja
Julián López Martín

Women & Identity
Adele Ahlberg Calhoun,Tracey D. Bianchi

Estudo sobre a Reprodução Humana
James B. Brown

Welcoming the Stranger
Matthew Soerens,Jenny Yang,Leith Anderson

A busca da verdade
Nancy Pearcey

Silas Pereira

Counseling and Christianity
Eric L. Johnson,Stephen P. Greggo,Timothy A. Sisemore

Evangelhos Sinóticos e Atos dos Apóstolos
Paolo Mascilongo,Antonio Landi

Death Before the Fall
John H. Walton,Ronald E. Osborn

N. T. Wright,Patty Pell

Kingdom Calling
Steven Garber,Reggie McNeal,Amy L. Sherman

Sculptor Spirit
Leopoldo A. Sànchez M.,Oscar Garcìa-Johnson

Lidando com as crises
Dado Moura

Ela só queria casar
Marco Aurélio,Marcelo Cezar